Photographing the World 2 Cityscape, Astrophotography, and Advanced Post-Processing by Elia Locardi
Photographing the World 2 Cityscape, Astrophotography, and Advanced Post-Processing by Elia Locardi | 29.1GB has once again teamed up with Elia Locardi to produce a second travel tutorial titled Photographing The World: Cityscape, Astrophotography, and Advanced Post-Processing. When compared with Elia’s first Fstoppers tutorial on Landscape photography, everything in this tutorial is bigger, longer, and more advanced. With more than 15 hours of video content, this tutorial will take you around the world to 5 different countries and 7 unique cities spanning from ancient architecture all the way to some of the world’s most modern cities. Join Elia as he walks you through how each image was captured on location as well as the entire post-processing techniques he uses back in the studio.
From the cherished ancient temples of Cambodia to the iconic cities of Cinque Terre, Rome, Singapore, and Hong Kong, Photographing the World has something for everyone interested in improving their cityscape photography.
What is covered in this tutorial:
Photography Basics (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc)
Overview of best lenses and gear for Cityscape and Astrophotography
Tips for better composition, angles, and vantage points
Advanced Panoramic Photography Shooting and Stitching
Working in Urban Environments
Solid Neutral Density Filters
Capturing Stars and Star Trails
Locating and Capturing the Milky Way Galaxy
Understanding and Mastering Light (Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Sunrise and Sunset)
Using Fisheye Lenses for Artistic Compositions
Shooting Through Windows and Removing Glare
Time Blending (combining exposures shot at different times)
Bracketing and multiple exposure blending
RAW Processing
Extensive color color correction and image adjustment
Complex selections and masking techniques
Luminosity masking
Advanced object removal and cleanup
Precision Sharpening and Noise Reduction