Beachbody – Tough Mudder T-MINUS 30 With Hunter McIntyre | 8.60 GB
Tough Mudder T-Minus 30 is a 30-day training program designed to get you strong, lean and fit so you can CRUSH the course and have the body to prove it.
Is T-Minus 30 Right for Me?
T-MINUS 30 isn’t just the best way to train for a Tough Mudder . it’s a great way to get in shape. This 30-day training program is designed to improve your strength, endurance, speed, and mobility so you can CRUSH the course and have the body to show for it. If you love a challenge and are looking for a new training program to kick your butt, T-MINUS 30 is the perfect program for you.
What Are The T-Minus 30 Workouts Like?
Tough Mudder Champion Hunter McIntyre has taken everything he’s learned while training and created specialized routines designed to help you cross the finish line. Every move is inspired by the course, but it’s his crazy personality and cast that will make you feel like you’re training like a team. While the workouts are advanced, every workout has a modifier so even beginners can get incredible results.
Tools + Equipment
All you need is a pair of dumbbells, ideally one lighter and one heavier. Then just follow the program guide and workout calendar that’s right for you. An exercise mat and a chin-up bar are optional.
10k or 15k Calendar.pdf
5K Calendar.pdf
Athletic Training Day 1.0.mkv
Athletic Training Day 2.0.mkv
Athletic Training Day 3.0.mkv
Burpee Challenge.mkv
Dumbbell Endurance 1.0.mkv
Dumbbell Endurance 2.0.mkv
Dumbbell Endurance 3.0.mkv
Dynamic Dumbbells 1.0.mkv
Dynamic Dumbbells 2.0.mkv
Dynamic Dumbbells 3.0.mkv
Extreme Conditioning 1.0.mkv
Extreme Conditioning 2.0.mkv
Extreme Conditioning 3.0.mkv
Get Fit Calendar.pdf
Grip Strength Training/Chin-Up Training.mkv
Grip Strength Training/Intro to Upper Body Grip Strength.mkv
Grip Strength Training/Pull-Up Training.mkv
Meet Hunter.mkv
Meet the Cast of T-Minus 30.mkv
Mudder Ground Strength 1.0.mkv
Mudder Ground Strength 2.0.mkv
Mudder Ground Strength 3.0.mkv
Mudder Mobility.mkv
Obstacle Day Challenge.mkv
Reps Win Races.mkv
Run Training/Intro to Run Training.mkv
Run Training/Long Run.mp3
Run Training/Recovery Run.mp3
Run Training/Short Interval Run.mp3
Sheriff Abs.mkv
Taper Week Calendar.pdf
The 300 Challenge.mkv
Total Body Challenge.mkv
Training Guide.pdf
Welcom to T-Minus 30.mkv
Workshop/Intro to Taper Week.mkv