Dan Kennedy & Russell Brunson – Magnetic Marketing | 27.5 GB
We Want To GIFT You
Over $19,997 Worth Of Hard-Hitting, NO B.S. Marketing Material…
Plus, when you say “maybe” and test-drive NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing Letter for a full 30 days, you’ll also receive a subscription to our Marketing Secrets Letter… completely FREE!
I can’t stress how incredible this duo newsletter offer is – it might just be the two best marketing newsletters in the world!
Think ’bout it – you get the NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing newsletter, which teaches you timeless business principles for exponential growth and long-term survival… no more “ADHD Marketing” of hopping from tactic to tactic.
That’s not all! You also get our Marketing Secrets Letter where my team and I show you behind the scenes on our most successful campaigns and how we’re applying Dan’s principles to all of our funnels.
We spend MILLIONS a month in advertising across multiple brands… and we’ll show you what’s working and what’s not, so your precious ad dollars NEVER go to waste again!
When You Say “Maybe” Today, You Can Have ALL Of This…
– Magnetic Marketing On Demand
– Funnelology Masterclass
– Kennedy’s “Brass Balls Factor” Course
– DotCom Secrets LIVE!
– Renegade Millionaire Time Management System
– Expert Secrets LIVE!
– Kennedy’s Midas Touch Marketing & Selling
– Traffic Secrets LIVE!
– BONUS! NO BS & Marketing Secrets “Greatest Hits” 4 Issues
– BONUS! 74 Funnel Swipe File (physical copy w/ 653 pages!)
– BONUS! Physical copy of Magnetic Marketing book.
– BONUS! In-Person, Half-Day Seminar with Dan Kennedy