MLS Domination – Jim Huntzicker | 1.81 GB
Want to learn how to use the least expensive acquisition strategy to get a predictable stream of discounted deals for your real estate investing business?
If this sounds good to you then MLS Domination might just be for you
Did you know MLS actually stands for Motivated List of Sellers? Well it does to us as investors but to the agents (which I am one of we have to deal with when using the MLS as a deal source, it stands for Multiple Listing Service.
Did you know that 80% of all property sold gets listed in the MLS? Well it’s true, but only about 10% of that works for what we do as real estate investors. That is probably why the most common thing I hear is, “there aren’t any good deals in the MLS”, but the funny thing is the thing I hear 2nd most is: “the MLS is too competitive”. So my question to you is: Do you think it is so competitive for all of the non-deals?
When I hear those two statements it just tells me they lack the education that it takes to find the best deals. I started out a Real Estate Agent and that is why I used the MLS to find deals and have continued to use it to get 75% of my rehabs since I started in 2008. Yes, that is correct, I built this business through one of the worst real estate down turns we will see in our lifetime. If the market is +/- it doesn’t matter. There are more and better opportunities in a down market then there are in “good” ones. If you are looking for an excuse as to why you are not making it as a real estate investor, you can find one in a down market just as easily as you can in an up market. If you don’t make excuses and just get stuff done this training will be perfect for you. Get ready to take some good notes because I drop golden nugget after golden nugget in these videos.
Here’s a fraction of what you’ll learn in this training:
– How you can gain MLS access even if you don’t have it now, and how to maximize it if you do already have access
– How to write strong, powerful offers with proper Proof of Funds
– Winning the deals from agents you have never met before
– How to properly communicate with the listing agent (this alone will get you tons of deals)
– The best way for wholesaling the MLS (as buyer or seller)
– MONEY: Private money, hard money, self-directed IRA’s
– Winning newly listed estate sales when I am NOT the highest cash offer
And so much more!