Vin DiCarlo – Pandora’s Box System
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One thing I’ve figured out, and it’s that a lot of women these days are obsessed with finding an “Alpha Male.” Seriously, just Google that phrase, or look it up on a site that sells eBooks. You will find thousands of titles!
I started to wonder if maybe the reason I wasn’t getting laid was that I wasn’t living up to this “Alpha Male” standard. At that point, I tried to figure out what an Alpha Male actually is, and you know what I concluded?
… It’s nothing in particular.
An Alpha Male in theory is supposed to be the “top dog” in society. But how many of us are top dogs in any way? Heck, I’m a plumber, and just one of dozens of plumbers in my city. But you know what else I discovered? A lot of those guys in those eBooks aren’t top dogs either.
They’re just whatever the women reading them think constitutes that personality.
And that’s what Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box is all about. This system teaches you how to understand women. Once you’ve used this system, you’ll be able to instantly identify which of 8 personality types any woman you meet fits best. And you’ll learn the personality type that attracts her, and what you need to do to entice her. In other words, you’ll learn how to be the perfect “Alpha Male” for any woman you meet!
What’s Included When You Buy Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box?
Let me start out by telling you this is not just another eBook on dating with a few tips and tricks! You get a lot more than that when you buy Vin DiCarlo Pandora’s Box. Here’s what you get with your purchase:
10 different videos
10 different PDF guides
Interviews with each of the 8 personality types
A strategy guide that teaches you how to recognize all 8 types
A 60-second profile quiz that lets you size up any woman in a hurry
Strategies for appealing to each personality type