
Power Influence System – Jason Capital

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Power Influence System - Jason Capital
Jason Capital – Power Influence System

You can use Power Influence with anything and anyone.
Here’s what’s inside Power Influence…

The subtle differences you MUST know between game and power influence (skip this part and power influence will backfire)
Write this down on a scrap of paper to quickly eliminate all the BS, distractions and things holding you back in your life…
The #1 thing that guarantees you will make sh*t happen. Steve Jobs used this to make decisions and exterminate procrastination, the silent success-killer,
How Power Authority causes everyone around you to comply with your wishes (NOTE: this can be used for EVIL. Please check-in with your moral compass.)
Perception Portals. How to be regarded as stronger, more attractive, more respected and more confident than other guys…
How to make a girl feel like you ‘get’ her on a deep, personal level. A level normally only her closest friends ever get to see.
The Wrap-around Authority Tactic. The sneaky way I leverage the power of brands, businesses and celebrities for my own gain…
The #1 most powerful social trigger to make a girl want to fvck you tonight…
The strategy that beats lying and over exaggeration… every single time…
The Richard Branson influence effect–spectacle positioning…
Master the art of the right moment–how timing can make or break you…
10 different ways to amplify your influence–once you have it (use this to get women to chase you)
The science of insinuating yourself into power–how to assume the crown
“The Devil is in the Details” strategy to prove yourself

7 ways to build IRRESISTIBLE influence–even when you may not be alpha male in the room or even a reputation…
Why learning to use YOUR ENEMIES, can be better than friends…
The most powerful source of Power and Influence? Reputation–and how to create it, use it and profit it–all ethically
The tactic of always saying less than necessary (and why shy guys get the girls)…
Why you should ALWAYS pay for that power lunch…
Why power is such A TURN ON to the hotter women…
Perceived Value Triggers: how you can steal the secrets of billion dollar companies for your social life, your business, your women…
Potatoes of Perception. A mind-blowing lesson in perception from Frederick The Great and… his potato?
The REAL genius of Steve Jobs lies in this “agent of influence” (and it’s NOT what you think…)
The Likeability Factor: How to make people like you instantly. 10 proven ways to dramatically increase your instant likeability…
The Greet And Vacate Method that enhances your attractiveness…
How to use your enemies as leverage…
How Oprah, Rihanna and Dicaprio became stinkin’ rich by using one strategy against you…
High Status: The Next Level
The power of the herd mind and how to use it to your advantage (what can we learn from the world’s most dangerous cults?)
What Jack Nicholson knows about TV that you don’t (and why it’s destroying your chances of success in any area of your life)…
Make women chase YOU: Seductive secrets to embedding one ultra-powerful social signal into your storytelling…

How to use Bruce Lee’s “Be Like Water” principle in business…
How to amplify desire for you on an sub-emotional level. This works whether it’s the boardroom, the bar or the bedroom…
5 ways to actively challenge someone and get the response you want… without being annoying, demanding or downright bitchy…
#1 way to charmingly DISARM anyone (and make a new friend in the process)…
What to do when you’re deep in conversation with somebody… yet another guy is bugging you, desperate for your attention…
The Cookie Test that allows you to have your pick of the hottest women without needing to worry about competition..
What super bowl gamblers can tell us about this ‘Agent of Influence’. (Knowing this alone transforms you into a master persuader)…
What to do when a girl doesn’t respond to your text (even when she was begging to give you her number)…
How to make the social perception of you so great that all the work, all the persuasion, all the authority is Done For You (I’m talking Social God x 10)…
… and that’s not even HALF of what’s covered in the program.
There’s 8 packed DVDS of strategies, tactics, applications, ideas, and examples of how to master the art of influence…



Power Influence System - Jason Capital