Tai Chi Mastery – Bruce Kumar Frantzis (UP) | 34.26 GB
Tai Chi Mastery Program Components
The material in the program will help you build an INCREDIBLE tai chi practice that will benefit you over the course of your LIFE.
Core Tai Chi Alignments
To enable for tai chi to do what it can do, you need to have all your energy channels open and at the least not block the flow with bad alignments. Often many people either collapse or over-extend their body in different postures. We show you have to smoothly transfer from posture to posture and which alignments are essential for you to create a great tai chi practice.
Tai Chi Energetics (Neigong):
Neigong is what gives tai chi it effectiveness and power. There are sixteen essential neigong components you need to know. In this program we cover many of them and look at how to integrate these components into your form.
Tai Chi Circularity
All of tai chi is based on circles. In the program, we discuss the three primary circles that are present in all tai chi. By understanding the three tai chi cirlces you will be able to see how they are integrated into each tai ch move. It makes learning and teaching tai chi easier.
Breathing in Tai Chi
There are many ways to integrate different breathing in tai chi. We will do an overview on how to integrate Taoist breathing techniques into your tai chi.
Tai Chi Postures
Holding static postures in tai chi is a way to train your body to be stronger and open up energy channels. Classically, to get really good at tai chi you were trained to stand in postures for extended periods of time. In some of the advanced clips we will look at several tai chi holding postures. This knowledge can be applied to any form or style.
The Eight Energies of Tai Chi
We will look primarily at the first four energies of tai chi and how each of these energies are used in the form, as well as how each of the energies have direct martial applications.
Tai Chi Push Hands
Push hands is the method whereby you learn to directly work with the eight energies of tai chi with a partner. As a bonus, included is a comprehensive push hands program that teaches you partner exercises up to double push hands. Practicing push hands is the bridge and the key to learning the how to use the energies of tai chi in martial fighting applications.
#1. Tai Chi Mastery Program Training Videos
Over 160 digitally remastered high definition video lessons
These lessons were taken directly from a FOUR-WEEK tai chi instructor training [total value of the one hundred who attended the 28-day instructor training was $4495]. It contains detailed instruction on the internal components and move of the 27 move Wu Style Tai Chi Short Form with consistent references to the Yang Style of Tai Chi and references to the Chen style are made when possible. You will be guided move by move in great detail to understand both the external movements and what is inside each move.
The program was created on three broadcast High Definition cameras so you get clear camera angles on all clips.
Learn the Wu Style Short Form
The first half of the Tai Chi Mastery Program covers the complete Wu Style Tai Chi short form. The half of the Tai Chi Mastery Program builds on the first, going more in-depth with teaching material for the more advanced tai chi student. Here you’ll get the more advanced material and applications including:
Tai Chi Posture Series
Circularity in Tai Chi
Tai Chi Martial Applications
Health Applications
Sinking & Dropping Energy
Neigong – Opening/Closing
Neigong – Bending/Stretching
Meditation and Spiritual Practices of Tai Chi
And Much More…
#2 Tai Chi Push Hands Program Training Videos
Over 18 Hours of intensive training
Tai Chi Push Hands is the bridge between learning the form work of tai chi and developing the sensitivity to work with the 8 energies of tai chi. Through partner exercises, you progressively learn to feel energy in yourself and your partner. This is the bridge to using qi for applications including martial arts, healing and meditation. Push Hands is the accelerator for learning to work with qi in your body.
Never before published, this will contain OVER 120 lessons on how to learn tai chi Push Hands. This is a complete system in itself, one that could be developed as a curriculum in any tai chi school. A must-have for the serious practitioner of tai chi.
#3. The Digital Version of our Tai Chi Health for Life Book containing 300 – Pages down-down-to-earth information. Useful for students all at levels.
All instructional and supporting informational material is presented digital downloadable format. This book and accompanying video index and descriptions can be easily stored on you computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone. Tai Chi Health For Life is an invaluable resource in your journey to understanding the possibilities within Tai Chi.
Special Bonus #1 Tai Chi for Beginners Program
5 – Hours – 40 Lessons
After you join the program you will receive online access to 40 lessons that you can watch online or download to your computer. Tai Chi for Beginners Program is the perfect starter course and covers the Wu Short Form up to the Single Whip Movement.
Special Bonus #2 Tai Chi Circling Hands
4 – Hours – 36 Lessons
Tai Chi Circling Hands exercise method teaches you how to do all the essential circular movements, alignments and weight shifting contained within any Tai Chi form. Within these movements you can also practice everything you learn in Heaven and Earth Qigong and dramatically increase the energy level in your body.
The three Circling Hand movements are simple to learn and provide an ideal physical and energetic workout. Circling Hands offers an easy and dynamic way for instructors to teach the external movement principles and the internal qi practices of tai chi. It prepares students to learn any tai chi form and opens the door to experience the deeper healing aspects of tai chi.
Special Bonus #3 Tai Chi Classics Online Program
6 – hours – 67 Lessons
Recorded over four nights, the Tai Chi Classics audio program is a unique series of talks about the practical use of the Tai Chi Classics for the practice of tai chi. Bruce offers a unique viewpoint, based on his study of tai chi in Chinese with the masters he studied with in China.
Special Bonus #4 Tai Chi Fighting Applications Online Edition
One-Day Live Event for watching online and/or download
In the Tai Chi Mastery Program, Bruce Frantzis is constantly pointing at how each move is directly related to martial applications, especially in the Level 2 material, but in this focused workshop he explains in detail the main martial fighting applications for tai chi.