Kyle Milligan – The Beginner Bundle | 2.66 GB
Inside The Beginner’s Bundle is every “know-how” you need to kickstart your copywriting career and take control of your life.
It answers every question you have about getting started.
And makes breaking into the copywriting game easier than ever!
Because when you join today, you’ll immediately unlock access to…
Automatic Copy
Which shows you how to get plugged into your industry, build a swipe file, tap into the psyche of your customer, research your product and/or your guru, and get to the point where the words simply start bursting forth from your fingers automatically.
Take Their Money
The paradigm shifting book that put me on the map. And revealed the true language of copy. With this book, you’ll not only be able to see why a promo works. How to emulate it. And how to tap into the customer’s emotional brain to get them to buy. You’ll also get every other tool, tactic, and strategy I used to generate over $7 million my first year in the biz.
Amazing Headlines On Command
A 48-minute deep dive into the art of crafting headlines that ensures you never have to worry about the top of a sales page or landing page or a subject line ever again. Throwing this training in is my way of making sure you’re fully covered as you kickstart your copywriting journey.
Pro Email Training with John Rhodes
A multi-part training series that shows you exactly how John Rhodes generated MILLIONS of dollars with email. And how you can use the same templates and formulas to stir your readers into a “buying frenzy” and skyrocket your sales!
Email marketing might be the single EASIEST way for beginner copywriters to get their feet wet in this game. I honestly think any copywriter could get started making a living with email tomorrow. That’s why I simply had to include this training in the offer too.
NESB Keywords
And finally you get your cheat sheet to New, Easy, Safe, and Big. This PDF has over 1,000 words you can plug-and-play into your copy to take it to the next level and trigger your prospect’s emotional brain so you can effotlessly make the sale and open a world of unlimited potential for you…