Zack Browman – High Status Humor | SIZE: 6.1 GB
Marilyn Monroe said:
“If you can make a girl laugh, You can make her do anything.
.and by “make her do anything” she didn’t mean making her paint your apartment.
She meant you can make her do anything.in bed.
This is a powerful statement from the most desired woman of her time.
It would be the same as Scarlett Johansson, Megan Fox, or Jessica Biel saying it today
But is it true?
It’s no secret that all women say they want a guy with a great sense of humor
But have you ever noticed that most comedians aren’t exactly Don Juans even though “sense of humor” is the #1 quality women say they want in a man?
Most guys make the mistake of thinking women will respond to just ‘any old type of humor’
– they try their hardest to crack jokes whenever she’s around
– they search their minds frantically for the next ‘witty comment’ in every conversation
– they try to predict what SHE thinks will be funny and cater their jokes to her
– they’ll do ANYTHING for a laugh thinking the more jokes they get in, the better
But sadly, not only are these strategies unnecessary, they actually HURT your chances with women.
They make you appear needy and desperate for her attention and approval
Just like a clown.
And Bozo isn’t exactly who a woman’s picturing when she takes out her vibrator.
Because the truth is.
Not ALL types of Humor are attractive to women
The reason so many comedians do so poorly with women.
Even though “sense of humor” is the #1 thing women look for in a man.
Is that most comedians use THE WRONG TYPE OF HUMOR
And you’re about to discover how to use the RIGHT type of humor