Introduction To Houdini For Fx | 19.07 GB
This course is designed for people who have a good understanding of CG and interested in gaining a full understanding of Houdini and how to properly utilize it’s capacity to create particles FX, water simulation, destruction and volume simulation.The course will also cover in depth how to render the various FX elements and how to composite them using Houdini COPs
Week 01 | HOUDINI
– Introduction to Houdini 18.
– Workflow And Tools.
– Wedging and iteration.
– Hardware & Software.
– Crafting FX workflow.
Intro to pops
An introduction to Designing FX
Timing & Layering
Create a simple procedural system that uses path finding to create various particles streams
Create various FX elements using POPs
Particles Caching and optimization
NEW: FX Energy design and prototyping the look
NEW: Simulation setup
NEW: Guiding particles and creating intelligent paths and Colliders
NEW: Shockwave design, approach and execution
Week 03 | VOLUMES
Intro to Houdini volumes and vdb manipulation.
Intro to Dops and smoke solver
Create various smoke elements to enhance all the particles FX created week 2
Volume caching and optimization
NEW: Creating magical explosion
NEW: Adding more FX layers to the shockwave
NEW: Using smoke simulation to enhance particle simulation
Intro to mantra
Intro to shading in mantra
Shading all the particles FX previously created
Rendering the environment and setting up all the passes need to render our particles FX
Intro to cops in Houdini
NEW: Buildings, streets and environment rendering
NEW: Initial particle rendering
NEW: Introduction To Compositing
Week 05 | RBD
Intro to Bullets and constraints
Fracturing using voronoi and boolean
What is convex decomposition
Edge displacement and high-res interior
Create the constraint
Simulate the rbd
Caching the rbd and optimisation
Setup a workflow for using lowres/higer geometry for simulation vs rendering
NEW: Houdini 16/17 and 18 and how to transition
NEW: When to use sop level solvers vs dop level solvers
NEW: Creating the building destruction setup
NEW: Building destruction setup and tweaking
Create various debris systems using particles and bullets.
Create smoke trail simulation using pops and smoke solver
Create a smoke sim to use as an air field for particle advection.
NEW: Adding debris trails for buildings to enhance the overall visual
NEW: Rendering all the additional elements needed
NEW: Balancing and tweaking.
NEW: Putting everything together
Intro to flipfluids in Houdini
Prepping the geometry for flip fluids and collision
Create Custom forces to enhance the flip fluid sim
Create the Highres sim
Meshing in Houdini
Intro to whitewater in Houdini
Create whitewater source
Create a highres foam simulation including, bubbles, spray and foam.
NEW: Houdini 18 workflow/changes and how to transition
Advanced water shading.
Foam shading (foam, spray, bubbles)
Lighting the flip fluid statue rising scene
Optimization and setting up all the render passes.
Create procedural atmospheric FX using vdb.
Volume shading and rendering in mantra.
Final compositing of all the FX layers and beauty passes using Houdini COPs
NEW: Houdini 18 workflow/changes and how to transition
Week 10 | KARMA & USD
Introduction To Solaris
USD & Karma
When and when to use karma and how this workflow fits in