Heather R Morgan – Salesfolk – Cold Email Strategy for B2B Businesses | 14.9 GB
Your Premium Email Mastery Course Includes:
– 24+ bite-sized lessons, empowering you to implement what you learn at your own pace (and counting; we’re still adding some new content to the course)
– Dozens of hours of HD video, featuring the exact emails SalesFolk has wrote to help their clients make millions of dollars.
– The strategy and logic behind SalesFolk’s methods, so you can apply their best practices to your own industry and audience
– Private webinars with industry experts, where you’ll learn the outreach tactics they’re not sharing anywhere else
– Hundreds of real cold emails that do — and don’t — work, so you can see exactly why your own emails are falling flat
– An actionable checklist for creating accurate, jargon-free buyer personas — and our guide to building highly-targeted lists around them
– The 5 major mail-merge mistakes most people don’t know they’re making
– SalesFolk’s step by step process for creating a scalable, 8-touch email campaign — the same process SalesFolk uses for every client
– A shortlist of 10 things not to do in your cold emails, so you can quick-check every email for slip-ups before hitting “send”
– And so, so much more