Richard La Ruina – Daygame Immersion
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From: Richard La Ruina (Gambler)
June 28, 2015
The past 7 years have led to this moment.
Day Game Immersion…
The most powerful and transformative seduction training ever developed is now LIVE.
As you already know, I’ve made it my life’s work to uncover and engineer the most cutting-edge seduction technologies.
Not for the sake of just coming up with cool shit…
But for the sake of changing my students lives.
Guys who are tired of being invisible to women…tired of being stuck in the friend zone…tired of being sentenced to lonely nights of internet porn.
I spent the first 24 years of my lives trapped in this virgin hell and I’ve made it my mission to pull as many guys out of this nightmare as I possibly can, which is why this moment is so important to me.
Because now, after YEARS of reverse-engineering the success of our ultra effective in-person, private training programs…
And combining my findings with the latest breakthroughs in accelerated learning technologies, I’ve developed a radically new style of online training that…
Installs The Skillset Of A Master Day
Game Pick Up Artist Into Your Very Core
….without you even having to leave your home.
No hard work. Nothing to practice.
The secret lies in the awesome power of a new format of online video training, which I call transformational transference technology.
All you have to do is log-in to the private members area – press play – then sit back as watch as this cutting-edge video training program literally transfers the master-level skills to you… hardwiring them directly into your neurology.
Once you’ve completed the program in its entirety (which should take you just under a week), wherever and whenever there’s a woman that catches your eye…
You’ll Able To Walk Up To Her And Make Her Want You…
Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
How fast are we talking?
Well, the process takes about 60 seconds… and it goes down as simply as:
First, you spot a woman you’d like to hook up with.
It doesn’t matter where you spot her.
The coffee shop, the bank, the mall, the street… wherever you happen to be going.
As soon as you find her, it’s “game on”
You simply walk up to her…
And no matter how hard it was for you to do this in the past…
No matter how badly fear used to paralyze you at even the thought of just talking to a hot girl…
No matter how tongue-tied you used to get…
This time, it’s different.
This time, you’re armed with something way more powerful than confidence or “know how”…
This Time… You’re Wired Up With The
Skills Of A Master Day Game Pickup Artist…
And the outcome is all but guaranteed.
As you walk over to her, you laugh to yourself because you know just how easy this is going to be.
First, You introduce yourself.
Not with some cheesy pickup line you can’t even spit out without cringing…
The perfect thing to say is much simpler, and guaranteed to grab her attention….
Once you get her attention…
Things start to get really fun.
Because no matter what response she gives you –whether she’s bitchy or nice – you’ve got the perfect response already lined up and ready to go.
The right words flow effortlessly from your mouth…
And before she ever had a chance to pull the “I have a boyfriend card”…or give you the “I’ve got to run, I have a meeting” line…
It hits her: feelings of raw, uncontrollable attraction.
Something she only feels around the most powerful pick up artists.
Her face gets flushed, her heart rate speeds up, and her panties begin to dampen.
You’ve Taken Over Her Mind… And
Now She’s Craving You Like A Drug
And she starts doing all the hard work for you.
She literally starts looking for things to like about you…
No matter how far from her “physical type” you were a minute ago, now she’s convincing herself that you’re exactly what she wants.
And as crazy as this may sound…
She Starts Seducing Herself FOR YOU…
In Broad Daylight!
So what happens next?
Well, that’s up to you…
If you’re in a rush, you can get her number… knowing she’ll be waiting for your call, and eager to meet up later.
So even if you’re the busiest guy around, you can line up 10-15 willing women each week without even trying. From there you just narrow the field to the one or ones you really want.
But if you aren’t in a hurry?
Well, that’s where things get really interesting.
Because you can go for a quick coffee, or even an early cocktail…
On what I call an “Instadate…”
And next thing you know, you’re making out in the middle of the day…
Or maybe even going back to your place to watch a movie and have some good ‘ol fashion between the sheets fun.
Once you’ve been through Day Game IMMERSION everything is different for you.
The World Becomes Your Personal Pussy Playground
…and all you have to decide is who you want to play with.
Girls in coffee shops, shopping malls, grocery stores, on the street…
They’re all yours for the taking.
Until now, getting this good this fast simply wasn’t an option.
You would have had to suffer through countless hours of practice in he field…
Making mistakes along the way, suffering brutal rejections, and slowly over time building the skillset to pull this type of incredible game off.
But today, everything changes because this breakthrough new program allows you to shortcut the entire learning process and start enjoying…
Immediate Results
….with absolutely zero learning curve.
Remember, there are absolutely no complicated routines to memorize – no skills to practice – and no hard work.
You simply go through the videos, let it all soak in, and then the very first time you spot a woman you want…you execute your game plan with the excellence of a master pick up artist whose been doing this shit for YEARS….
Even if you’ve never approached a woman before.
For some, this might seem hard to believe…
And if you’re feeling skeptical…
I Get It
I understand that years of sexual frustration may have left you with a little lingering doubt.
So while I can sit here for hours telling you the story of how this lightning fast transformational methodology came to be…
The science (and there’s a lot of it) that backs it up…
And the truckload of insane case studies I’ve got from beta testers of this program that you would probably have a hard time believing anyway…