
Laura Lopuch – The Cold Email Cash Flow Method Download

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Laura Lopuch – The Cold Email Cash Flow Method Links File
Get Laura Lopuch’s Cold Email Cash Flow Method and learn to leverage cold emailing for consistent cash flow. Access now to unlock proven strategies for business growth!

What You Get Inside This Program:


Mise En Place
Get your success foundation in place! Learn how to feel confident when reaching out to people, and take the guesswork out of the tech you need to do business like a pro.


Cold Email Framework
Get the inside scoop on the secret ingredients of successful cold emails, learn to find great leads, and the 7 types of cold emails that can help you boost your business.


Write a Cold Sales Email
Next, put the ingredients together so you know how to write a wining cold sales email. This is your ticket to getting more consistent client work.


Top-Secret Moves to Up-Level
My top-secret ninja moves to up-level your cold email and transform it from freezing cold to “oh hey, I’ve heard of this person!”


Quick ‘n’ Easy Follow Up Roadmap
A custom easy-to-follow roadmap guides you through the confusion of following up, like: when, what to say, and how often to follow up.
So you confidently navigate the tricky forest of following up effectively without coming across as nagging. or pestering.


Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Linda Ugelow
In this 1-hour workshop, you’ll discover the education-focused mindset that’s preventing you from experimenting (and why it’s detrimental to your profitability as a service professional). Discover which of the 3 common myths are holding you back. Clear that sh*t out, so you click send and get new clients.


Right Sales Mindset Training with Linda Perry
Sales is 99% about your thoughts and 1% about who you’re selling to. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to conquer your mindset and confidently sell (without the sleaze, hesitation or weird feelings).


Master Sales Calls System
This workshop gives you my sales call script (including swipe-able emails!) to guide your prospect towards signing a contract. And how to avoid the common pitfalls that might derail your new almost-client.