Project Yourself Amish Shah


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Project Yourself Amish Shah
Project Yourself with Amish Shah
WEBRip | MP4 – MP3 – PDF Guides | English | 1280 x 720 | AVC ~29.4 kbps | 15 fps
AAC | 53.5 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | ~28 hours | 4.4 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Self Improvement, Psyhology

An invitation from Inc. 500 entrepreneur & metaphysical explorer Amish Shah to the spiritually liberated person who wants to make a bigger impact: COULD THESE DORMANT HUMAN POWERS & ANCIENT TECHNOLOGIES TURN YOU INTO A REALITY-BENDING SUPERHUMAN? Read on to discover the secrets buried in a 12,000-year-old ancient symbol: harnessed by the world’s most successful people to bend time and space, master the deepest truths of the universe, & overcome monumental challenges

An invitation from Inc. 500 entrepreneur & metaphysical explorer Amish Shah to the spiritually liberated person who wants to make a bigger impact: COULD THESE DORMANT HUMAN POWERS & ANCIENT TECHNOLOGIES TURN YOU INTO A REALITY-BENDING SUPERHUMAN? Read on to discover the secrets buried in a 12,000-year-old ancient symbol: harnessed by the world’s most successful people to bend time and space, master the deepest truths of the universe, & overcome monumental challenges
“Amish Shah is what you’d get if Richard Branson, Deepak Chopra and Indiana Jones had a surprise lovechild. His unique mind-body-spirit approach to success and bending reality gives me that same sense of personal power as when I first discovered meditation.” – Glen McNiel
Attention: this message is crucial to you if feel urgently drawn towards any of these statements:
You are inspired by how millions of people worldwide are waking up and challenging ‘old world’ systems, from financial and political to medical and social.
You aspire to reinvent your own life, elevate your belief system, and expand your worldview both scientifically and spiritually.
You can feel a calling to ride this wave of change, contribute to this momentum, and swiftly liberate yourself from the limiting beliefs and barriers holding you back.
You often wonder why, despite your best efforts, you still can’t break through to where you want to be in your career, relationships, health and happiness.
You sometimes see recurring patterns, or experience flashes of a power or a connection to something greater than yourself – as if there’s an untapped potential deep inside you.
If you connect with any of what I just said… then what you’re about to discover will give you the power to elevate yourself and your loved ones to a new playing field. So pay very close attention!

Dear reality-defying optimist…
Bruce Lee was one of my childhood heroes.
(Heck, he still is…)
When I was 6, I’d spend hours in front of my living room’s dinky TV… as I marveled at Bruce downing entire armies with his flying kicks and fiery gaze.
Then, I’d run onto my lawn, and try out some of those acrobatic moves myself.
But the outcome was always the same: I’d fall on my ass, and look more like a clown than a Jeet Kune Do expert.
And if life has ever thrown you on your ass – literally or figuratively – then I bet you’ve asked yourself this same question:
How do high-flying people make the impossible look effortless?
If this was any other random life advice article… it would remind you that the world’s greatest achievers practice day and night to reach that level of effortless mastery.
Then it would encourage you to go out and do the same for your passions. Your career and finances. Your health and relationships.
But, as many curious people like you have suspected all this time… that’s only half the truth. The mainstream, diluted, media-friendly truth.
The whole truth about super-achievers and their reality-bending feats – from cultural icons like Bruce Lee… to Olympic athletes… to billionaire entrepreneurs, Nobel prize winners, award-winning philanthropists and visionary artists, is this:
Many of these extraordinary people are harnessing specific natural phenomena…
Unlocking certain mind-body ‘tools’ lying dormant within us…
And even tapping into little-known ancient technologies…
that allow them to bend into the fabric of reality itself!
As a person on your own spiritual journey, I’m sure you already know there’s a vast expanse of human potential that most of us have not even begun to touch. But do you know how deep down the rabbit hole really goes?
Socrates once said,
The people who know this fact – and act on it – are the ones who time and time again are able to pull off feats most of us spend our entire lives trying (and failing) to do.
Whether it’s conditioning their bodies into a state of peak youthfulness, energy and flexibility…
(While the average person is either out of shape or bombarded with ailments)
Flawlessly juggling multiple multi-million dollar businesses…
(While the rest of us struggle to make ends meet)
Achieving a state of elevated fulfillment, where they are constantly attuned to their purpose and truest nature…
(While other spiritual explorers may be stuck regressing into unwanted thought patterns and habits)
Going from rich to broke to rich again in the blink of an eye…
(While most other entrepreneurs and professionals can’t even get rich once)
Pulling ingenious ideas out of thin air, and following through with movements that elevate billions of lives…
(While everyone else has trouble even getting one idea off the ground)
Or creating spellbinding works of art that inspire and redefine people’s perceptions of reality…
(While other artists and creative types desperately seek ongoing inspiration)
What really separates these out-of-this-world achievers from the rest of us?
The answer, as you’re about to discover in the next few lines, may be that final nudge you need to take your life to a whole new level of abundance and fulfillment.
But first… how would your life change if you too had access to this ‘unfair’ advantage?
Imagine waking up some time in the near future, in a cozy beachfront villa, with a gorgeous someone curled up right next to you…
And no longer feeling pressured byany of the pesky hang-ups… worrying global events… or financial, relationship or health issues that for years have sabotaged your growth.
Why are you so assured? Because you’ve now conditioned your mind, body & spirit to be untouchable by these saboteurs.
Instead of obstacles, you now see opportunities and platforms to give back. Positive outcomes and people are drawn to you every day like moths to flame. You feel blissfully grateful, deeply content, and faithful that every new day will be even better than the last.
And as you prop yourself upright on your bed, a sudden realization leaves you with a big, cheesy grin:
Your life is now an exhilarating, fulfilling, no-holds-barred adventure. The kind some people make movies about.
So you reach for your iPad, and start checking your email.
Your best buddy is inviting you on an exotic tour of ruins in Southeast Asia.
Yep, sounds good, you’ll go.
Your co-worker is thanking you for solving that tricky problem during yesterday’s brainstorm.
You reply with a “You’re most welcome”.
An award-winning philanthropist is asking for your opinion on a top secret project that will change countless lives worldwide.
You bounce back a few creative ideas.
A business journalist is asking to interview you for their blog.
You oblige.
A self help guru is asking you – rather aggressively – to buy his new goal setting/meditation/Law of Attraction program.
You hit ‘delete’.
Because when it comes to your personal evolution, you don’t need to hop on any overhyped bandwagon.
Not when you already have your own key to success: an ancient ‘game plan’ that empowers you to bend every rule of reality in your favor… and enrich your life with incredible powers that are already hidden within you… and that others only ever experience in flashes.
This ‘game plan’ is what I want to share with you on this page – but only when you first answer me one question…
“What’s the BIG excuse I feed myself every day to shield my ego from the fact that I’m not yet where I want to be?”
Is it the precarious economy or the looming shadow of debt jeopardizing your bank account?
The ever-shifting industry, fickle customers and cutthroat competition challenging your business or career?
The relentless information overload keeping you stressed, sick, and awake at night?
The endless responsibilities that suck up your time and trap you in a passionless cycle of exhaustion?
Nasty GMOs, environmental crises and a broken healthcare system wreaking havoc on your health?
Or is it your age, your upbringing, your lack of talent, your personality flaw, your naysayers, or some unforgettable incident from your past?
Whatever your excuse is, there’s one irrefutable reason I believe it’s totally irrelevant:
Because nothing on this planet has the power to suppress your infinite potential… but YOU!
To prove it, I’m going to share with you the strange but true story of how I – a broke, awkward kid getting into trouble with the law – was able to beat all circumstances, odds and excuses…
And become not only a financially free Inc. 500 Entrepreneur who’s had the chance to build multiple multi-million dollar companies (plus work with some of the world’s most respected entrepreneurs, marketers and transformational leaders)…
But also a blessed father and husband. And a globetrotting, manifesting modern-day Indiana Jones living my purpose and empowering others to do the same.
But what I’ve achieved isn’t important to your story. What is important is…
I’ve made some mysterious, mind-bending discoveries on my path to success… that will shift your perspective of life. Of human potential. And of reality itself.
And it all begins with a heart-stopping incident from my childhood…
The year was 1996. I was 16 at the time, living with my family in Jersey suburb.
One April afternoon, my parents had gone out and I was alone at home, sitting on the toilet.
There I was, staring into space and minding my own business (literally)…
When I heard what must have been a fleet of cars swarm my front lawn.
So I quickly zipped up, peered out the window, and saw…
… a dozen agents in bulletproof vests charging towards my front door!
Knock, knock… KNOCK, KNOCK… KNOCK, KNOCK!!!
I couldn’t ignore them, or they’d batter down my door. Plus, I knew exactly why they were there.
I was a teenage computer hacker. A cyber criminal. And back then, my idea of fun was to hack into the websites of mega corporations just for the thrill of it.
So in these guys came to tear my house upside down, confiscate my computer… and arrest me on 19 charges of illegal hacking.
But none of this drama compares to what the judge told me in court a few days later…
“The kids that come in here are doing drugs, stealing stuff, getting into fights,” I remember him saying as he looked down at me.
“They’re bad kids… but you, you’re different.”
“And if only you could use your power for good… you could change the world.”
Boom. That’s when the biggest realization of my life dawned on me…
Why just hack computers, when I could hack into life itself… And reprogram reality for the better?
As soon as I had polished off 50 hours of community service for my crimes, I became obsessed with studying the nature of people, movements and ideas that were able to bend the rules of possibility… and in many cases even change the course of human history.
I dived into the lives and work of historical icons like Da Vinci and Shakespeare… serial entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson… billionaires like Warren Buffett and the Rockefeller family… spiritual titans like the Dalai Lama and Paramahansa Yogananda… even cultural icons like Bruce Lee and Jay-Z.
All so I could figure out what really makes these people tick. And understand if there was a replicable method to their unreal success.
But I didn’t just stop there…
I even spent hours every night poring over ancient scriptures like the Abrahamic holy books, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Yoga Sutras…
And devouring esoteric books by ahead-of-their-time thinkers like Napoleon Hill, Buckminster Fuller and Nikola Tesla…
With this timeless wisdom as my guide, I plunged myself into the natural phenomena, mysterious human abilities and ancient technologies that straddle the line between the worlds of hard science & metaphysics…
And that could supposedly unlock hidden abilities in people.
Yet what amazed me was that for some reason or other, most people know nothing about this powerful stuff. Nor is it taught in schools. Even the media doesn’t cover it!
And so I pushed on, not knowing what to expect….
My big a-ha moment came months later, when I began piecing together a fascinating truth about how reality works…
See, pretty much since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been caught in a tug of war between two extremes.
On one extreme end you have the ultra rational thinkers: the scientific proof-comes-first types who oppose religious dogma and pseudo-science – and who reject anything they can’t see with their eyes or prod with their fingers.
On the other end, you have the dreamers: The mystics, monks, priests and spiritually inclined types who champion collective consciousness and the intangible – and who reject material gain in favor of looking inwards and upwards.
Now if you’re like most people, you’re not totally invested in either side. But perhaps in moments where you give more energy to one over the other, you’ve noticed the shortcomings of each…
Like the limitations of observational science. Or the difficulty in creating physical change through purely spiritual actions. And the unshakable feeling that there’s still a missing depth to what could be the greatest, most holistic version of YOU.
Now here’s the kicker…
The people who most consistently live amazing lives and leave immortal legacies… are the ones who embrace the power in BOTH these extremes.
Take, for instance, some of the names I mentioned earlier…
Nikola Tesla is one of history’s greatest scientists and inventors. But one of his less known traits is his belief in a form of intangible ‘Sexual Energy’, which he claims was responsible for much of his drive and inspiration.
Leonardo Da Vinci, arguably the most talented person who ever lived, was a rational scientist. Yet he also drew ‘divine’ inspiration from his own non-dogmatic interpretation of a Higher Power.
Carl Sagan, the great astrophysicist and skeptic, was fascinated by science and even the debunking of superstition. But one of his core missions was encouraging people to apply a spiritual sense of wonder to life and the cosmos.
Marie Curie, the Nobel prize-winning scientist, was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. But she was also an avid researcher of paranormal phenomena, and forces invisible to the naked eye.
Frank Lloyd Wright, the prolific American architect, designed over 1,000 structures in his lifetime. Some of his most beautiful projects, like the Joshua Tree Retreat, use Sacred Geometry to create a specific sense of energy and attunement with the environment.
Hellen Keller, the blind and deaf political activist, spent her life campaigning for social issues like women’s suffrage and labor rights. Despite her handicap, she was known to describe profound transcendent mind experiences where she connected with the “flame of eternity” in her soul.
The Dalai Lama serves as a figurehead for Buddhism. But he also rounds off his spiritual responsibilities by engaging with modern change agents to spark technological, environmental & economic progress.
And when I too embraced this little-known sweet spot between science and spirituality…
I began pulling off some weird things even I
can’t fully explain
When I was a kid, I remember ‘manifesting’ a Sega Genesis.
Every now and then, I had fascinating lucid dreams.
Way back then, I already realized there was a hidden power corked up inside me (just as there is in you)
But it was only when I dived deep into this world of metaphysical science and esoteric phenomena, that I began pulling off things like…
At age 17… I owned two businesses and had my first out of body experience
At age 19… I found my soulmate and got a $200,000 job at Compaq
At age 23… I got a $253,000 check from Google for just setting up and messing around with some websites
At age 25… I made my first million dollars through affiliate marketing
At age 27… I taught myself how to speed read
At age 29… I held my first seminar that brought in over $800,000 in sales
At age 30… I did my first online marketing launch that made over $5 million in under 7 days
At age 31… I began getting ‘downloads’ of intuitive wisdom and mind-blowing solutions as I meditated
At age 31… I moved into a 5,000 sq. ft. house overlooking the ocean
At age 32… I transformed my body by losing over 18 lbs and dropping over 100 points of cholesterol
At age 32… I founded Ancient Explorers: my own nonprofit org. committed to digging up the secrets of ancient civilizations and archaeological sites
But let me make this crystal clear:
I’m far from a genius.
I’m not much luckier than you.
I’m just a curious guy who found a number of specific ‘Reality Hacks’ for projecting my greatest life into existence.
What are ‘Reality Hacks’? They’re the name I’ve given to these tools, abilities or phenomena that straddle the line between hard science and intangible spirituality… and expose the gaps in our widely accepted version of reality.
Then, once you find these gaps, you’re able to reach into the fabric of reality itself, and bend it towards your will – whether you’re seeking a burst of otherworldly creativity or intuition. A solution to a tricky problem at work. Or even a ‘weird’ coincidence like a chance encounter with an old friend on the street.
Think of it like re-tuning your ‘spiritual radio’ for picking up positive outcomes and energy… while tuning out negativity and unwanted static.
If you’re like most people, you’ve been unknowingly triggering certain Reality Hacks from the day you were born – like how I did as a kid with my manifesting and lucid dreams.
But as you progress through this page, you’re going to understand how to identify each of them, consciously harness them… and use them to create transformational results.
A superhuman in all of us? Really?
I’m not the first and I’m definitely not the last person to believe it. Way back in the 1800s, legendary thinker and writer Ralph Waldo Emerson led a movement known as Transcendentalism.
In a nutshell, Transcendentalism is about realizing that the key to your full intellectual and spiritual potential is by conditioning yourself to become self-reliant by acknowledging your inner greatness. In Transcendentalism, the concept of God is actually something that resides in all of us, because collectively, we are ALL divine.
Amazing things happen when you embrace this universal truth, and start tapping into these ‘divine’ powers. Trust me (and Ralph).
A word of warning: these Reality Hacks I speak of are unlike any sort of plain vanilla success strategies you’ll find in your local bookstore…
Nor do they resemble any of the woo-woo, rehashed Law of Attraction hype from The Secret and its countless clones…
And nope – they’re not like any sort of hyped up scientific discoveries you might see in the pages of Popular Science either.
In fact, most people don’t even know they exist! (Which explains why only a privileged few are using them for extraordinary results…)
Some of them are known as…
Sacred GeometryHeart IntelligenceQuantum MechanicsSpiral BreathingLucid DreamingAstrologyFood ProgrammingPlanetary frequenciesChantingChakra PowersBrainwave EntrainmentSexual Transmutation
II’m positive you’ve at least heard about – or maybe even tried – some of these tools.
What you may not know, though, is what they’re really capable of. And that’s what I’m now going to show you – starting with what I believe is the biggest, most powerful Reality Hack of them all…
The world’s most important Reality Hack is hidden in this 12,000-year-old symbol:
This is the Sri Yantra: an ancient tantric ritual drawing used for meditation and concentration… that has been revered for thousands of years by both scientists and spiritualists alike.
I first began studying the Sri Yantra not long after the hacking incident, when I found it printed on the page of a book my mom had brought back from India.
A few short weeks after meditating on it, my father, who had been out of a job for 3 years, finally found one. Call this coincidence if you will – but I chose to take it as a sign that there was more to this mysterious symbol that meets the eye…
Since then, after hundreds of hours of deep meditations using the Sri Yantra, I’ve come to appreciate it as more than just a symbol…
Because I’ve discovered how to interpret the Sri Yantra as a key for piecing together every other Reality Hack in existence, like a jigsaw puzzle…
And merging them into one lean, foolproof ‘game plan’ that anyone can use to bend reality and create their greatest life. As accurately and reliably as Swiss clockwork.
When I say anyone, I mean it – no matter what your personal goals are, what spiritual beliefs you have, or what level of experience you have with mind-body-spirit tools.
Has this always been the Sri Yantra’s true purpose? I can’t say for sure. But as you’re about to see – and as countless studies and reports seem to prove – there are certain characteristics within this symbol that make redefining your reality as straightforward as switching on a light.
4 fascinating facts about the Sri Yantra and its reality-hacking powers
1. An EEG study by Russian scientists at Moscow University found that the Sri Yantra can induce a meditative or hypnotized state of mind – just by looking at it.
2. In his paper Art as Technology, award-winning artist Bill Witherspoon recounts how drawing the Sri Yantra symbol in an Oregon crop field increased its yield, soil fertility and plant nutrients.
3. In 1997, an Indian researcher by the name of Dr. PKS Muthukrishnan used fractal mathematics to claim that the Egyptian Pyramids were engineered with the exact same angular measurements as the Sri Yantra.
4. Researchers who studied the visual origins of sound and vibration have discovered that the ‘Om’ sound people make when meditating or practicing yoga… is embedded in the geometric design of the Sri Yantra.
“Uhh… but how exactly can this ancient symbol unlock my sexy new life,” you ask? Here’s how…
What I’ve found is that virtually all those laws, phenomena and hidden abilities I refer to as Reality Hacks… are in fact laid out within 9 specific levels outlined in the Sri Yantra:
The 9 levels of the Sri Yantra
(and how each of them make you a better person)
Now here’s how to start using the Sri Yantra to reshape YOUR reality like it was gooey putty…
I’ve been piecing together these scientific & metaphysical Reality Hacks, and studying the Sri Yantra for over 17 years.
But if it wasn’t for my early business successes, there’s no way I’d have had the time and financial freedom to plunge myself into this world as deeply as I have.
And so I’m very much aware that not everyone can trace my steps. Especially when the daily responsibilities, careers and bills get in the way.
This is why over the years I’ve been reaching out to my closest friends and associates with this wisdom. And watching with satisfaction as it changes their lives as profoundly as it changed mine.
In this time I’ve realized something important: no amount of money, success or adventure comes close to the fulfillment I get… when I’m helping someone else elevate their life using this system I’ve put together
Having you on this page, reading these words, and hopefully empowering you to elevate your life and the planet in these exciting times – this is my purpose & my movement. And this is what I invite you to get involved in.
You’re invited to be one of the first people in the world to participate in Project:Yourself – a mind-body-spirit ‘experiment’ like no other
For the first time in my life, I’ve decided to step outside my inner circle… and share my findings with other like-minded people just like you.
Using the Sri Yantra as a map, I want to personally program you, through a sequence of online lessons called Project:Yourself… with every single Reality Hack I’ve applied to get to where I’m at.
Aiming for a raise or promotion at work? Need to grow your business? Connect with your spiritual side? Reinvent yourself? Find a partner? Master a new skill? Make an impact in your community or field of work? Get fitter and healthier?
The real beauty of the Project:Yourself experience is that it makes any personal goal like this possible by reaching deep within you… and flipping on the switch to powers that have been hidden in you and around you all along.
In other words, I’m not here to transform you into one of those people who achieves the impossible.
I’m here to nudge you over the verge of greatness, where you now stand… and prove that you already are one.
Project:Yourself is a series of transformational learning sessions based on the 9 levels of the Sri Yantra
And how it works is simple: twice a week I’ll guide our tribe though a set of immersive training materials and interactive sessions focusing on one of the 9 levels.
Think of it like having a personal trainer & friend who stands right by your side as he shows you the exact steps for achieving peak performance of your mind, body & spirit.
This step-by-step system is designed to give you time to absorb each level, focus on my guidance like a hawk, and get the most kick-ass results possible. And once all the levels have been unlocked, you’re free to revisit them in any order that best serves you.
Specifically, what you’re getting is…
9 video training sessions packed with immersive multi-sensory experiences, including deep dive meditations and element infusion exercises that light up your 6 senses. Your jaw will drop when you feel these tools activating your hidden powers, and channeling your infinite inner energy into your career, wealth, relationships and health.
Easy-to-follow tutorials on how some of history’s greatest achievers – from Napoleon Hill to Sir Richard Branson – use ancient wisdom, natural phenomena and ‘fringe’ science to bend the rules of reality in their favor. For instance, in Level 2 you’ll learn how to use your raw Sexual Energy to skyrocket your productivity at work. And in Level 7 you’ll learn how to harness the Sacred Geometry found in nature and human architecture to gain an almost superhuman empathy with the world around you.
Weekly FAQ training sessions to help address the most common questions at each stage of the journey, and ensure you’re smoothly and enjoyably progressing in the right direction. An ideal tool to keep you in check, and remove the difficulty and unresolved problems that might usually stop you from completing other programs.
A carefully curated selection of complementing bonus gifts – like interactive workbooks for tracking your progress, interviews with highly successful Reality Hackers, and a few surprises in the mail!
Here’s a sample of the Reality Hacks you’ll learn throughout the Project:Yourself experience…
You’ll learn how to supercharge your 6 senses, so you can soak in more of the world around you
Throughout the program you’ll learn how to invoke your 5 senses, plus your sixth sense of intuition to achieve a higher state of consciousness – whether it’s at work, in your health or in your relationships.
Imagine using specifically engineered audio to drift upwards into a more relaxed state of mind… or using color psychology to focus on an image that puts your entire life into clarity… or honing your intuition to a level that’s so sharp, you know exactly what the person you’re talking to really feels about what you’re saying… and you’ll have an idea of what’s possible when you put your 6 senses to full use.
FACT: Corporations use color to make you spend more
Retail stores like Kmart have found that the color red makes you spend more. Fast food chains also use red in their outlets as an appetite stimulant. But wouldn’t it be interesting to use color psychology on yourself, and reap positive benefits?
You’ll gain the ability to relax, evaporate stress and feel like a million bucks – just by breathing in a certain way
Yes, your breathing reflex can have a profound impact on your life – once you know how to control it. In Level 1, for instance, you’ll learn a powerful breathing Reality Hack that vaporizes your stress and fills you with an instant rush of well being – all through simply breathing slowly and channeling a sense of gratitude.
This ability is priceless for when you’re trying to calm down and get some clarity when things at work or at home are overwhelming you.
Bet you didn’t know the simple act of breathing could do this…
Many medical professionals, including Cleveland Clinic physician Mladen Golubic, now claim that breathing doesn’t just melt away stress and relax you – it even helps relieve serious ailments like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and even heart failure.
You’ll discover how to channel your raw sexual energy into every area of your life – with surprising results
In Level 2 you’ll learn how to take advantage of one of Nikola Tesla’s favorite Reality Hacks: Sexual Transmutation (or in Sanskrit, Vairagya). This essentially means going within, drawing on your purest, most primal source of energy, and using that energy to fuel your creative expression – whether you’re crafting a work of art. Or studying a particular skill. Or figuring out how to nail a business deal or solve a problem.
Here I’m going to plunge you headfirst into an immersive exercise using your muscles, breath and visualization to focus your energy in your core, amplify it, and then transmute it outwards into anything you want. This one exercise alone, if you put it to use, is going to give you breakthrough results in whatever you unleash it on.
The secret tool of U.S. Presidents?
In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill claims Sexual Transmutation was used extensively by Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington… and notable figures like Napoleon Bonaparte, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare & Ralph Waldo Emerson.
You’ll learn how to work with your body’s 9 energetic centers whenever you need an extra boost
The key lies in Level 3, where you’ll learn the little-known art of spiral breathing. Now, I know a lot of meditation and personal growth gurus have their own version of energy-boosting exercises – but just wait till you try this Reality Hack, which taps you into the energy centers in your body (also known as your Chakras)…
And channels more energy into different parts of your life whenever you need a boost – whether it’s sexual, financial, professional, anything.
“We may define the chakra as an energy centre which spins like a wheel and opens like a flower. metaphysical concepts, however, do not belong purely to the world of spiritual experience; scientific enquiry has in many cases confirmed age-old beliefs.”
Dr Hiroshi Motoyama, a prominent researcher who used a special instrument to discover that the energetic centers of a Chakra healing practitioner show higher activity compared to a non-practitioner.
You’ll learn the science of Heart Intelligence for instantly reducing stress and boosting your immune system
In Level 4 we’ll dive into the science known as Heart Intelligence: which is a tool for evolving your heart’s inner sense of knowing. And no, it’s not about cardiac care or calculus.
It’s about how to harness your heart’s “wisdom” – the 40,000 neurons & intuitive signals your heart sends, like love, happiness & care – to balance your emotions, reduce stress hormones, and boost your immune system.
Why ‘Listen To Your Heart’ is more than just a song title…
Researchers at the HeartMath Institute have found that the human heart responds to intuitive information like a ‘hunch’ or a ‘gut feeling’ seconds before it actually happens.
You’ll learn the ancient practice of chanting to raise your vibrations and increase your magnetism for positive outcomes
It may feel a little weird at first using these 5000 – year old Sanskrit chants to focus on specific aspects of life you’d like to strengthen – like health, abundance, and love, to name a few. But once you see the results in Level 5, you’ll realize it’s well worth it.
How it works is that the vibration of the chant draws a higher level of people, situation and things to you. And no, you don’t need to sound like Adam Levine or even believe in the pantheon of ancient gods and deities to get it working like gangbusters.
Scientific proponents of chanting
Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Massachusetts General Hospital Mind/Body Institute, has observed chanting to trigger a “relaxation response” in the human body, which reduces heart beat, brainwaves and respiration.
In a study on Gregorian Monk chants, otolaryngologist Dr. Alfred Tomatis found that certain chanting sounds were able to positively stimulate and charge the cortex of the brain and nervous system.
In his book Powerful Self Healing Techniques, Dr. Ranjie Singe found that specific chants cause the release of the hormone melatonin, which in turn may aid in the healing process.
You’ll gain the ability to fully let go of your fears, and venture where others wouldn’t dare…
Among other things, Level 6 will show you how to wholly embrace the concept of being Fearless – so you can unearth all those hidden debilitating beliefs and worries holding you back. Confront them head-on. And tap into a new reality.
Have you ever wondered what kind of mindset someone like Felix Baumgartner has to be in to jump from the edge of space, plunge 128,100 feet back down to earth, and break the sound barrier? After this lesson you’ll wonder no more.
You’ll find out how to ‘program’ your food & water to be better for you!
Yes, this might sound a little out there. But in Level 7, you’ll discover the compelling evidence behind ‘Food Programming’: the science of infusing your food, no matter what you eat, with positive intentions to make it better for you.
No, this Reality Hack isn’t going to magically make soda and cookies good for you – but it will give you an upper hand in making your already nutritious diet better, so you can stay in sexier & healthier shape, be more energetic, and get more done.
Psychology Today reported that in a 2007 study, researchers found that chocolate ‘imprinted’ with positive intentions through meditation was able to improve people’s moods beyond the norm.
You’ll learn how to use your dreams to gain insights and solutions for your waking reality
Another invaluable skill you’ll learn in Level 7 is the much talked about but misunderstood skill of lucid dreaming. I’ll show you how to program your subconscious so you can experience the lucid dreams you want. And you’ll even get powerful Dream Exercises that help you channel the insights from your lucid dreams into your waking life.
Imagine dreaming of a multi-million dollar idea… or of some kind of crazy invention that changes the course of history… and then waking up, and making it happen in real life. Elias Howe did exactly that when he invented the sewing machine, and you can do it too!
Just like Thomas Edison, Sir Richard Branson is known for taking cat naps throughout the day to boost his energy and mind power. He describes himself as “a scholar of the subconscious mind”.
You’ll ‘wake up’ to the recurring mathematical symbols and sequences all around you… and learn how to tap into them and redefine your reality
This mysterious Reality Hack is known as Sacred Geometry – and the basic concept is that there are recurring mathematical symbols and sequences found everywhere around us: in man made buildings like the Pantheon and even the UN HQ, in nature like in shells and galactic swirls… and even in you.
Once I show you how to tap into these symbols and sequences (again in Level 7), you’ll gain the ability to balance your energy fields. And to access complex information in order to reinvent your reality.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Joshua Tree Retreat was built using sacred geometry
You’ll master a weird creation skill that’s at least 50x stronger than the average manifesting or visualization exercise
Imagine becoming a Human Satellite Dish, so you can draw together and amplify all the energy around you for your personal gain. This Level 7 tool is one of my favorites because it does just that.
The Human Satellite Dish is perfect for when you need a surge of creation power just before pulling off something epic at work or in your personal life. And all you have to do to unlock its power is position your body in a certain way, and focus your thoughts by following a specific number of steps. Easy yet crazy powerful.
The Human Satellite Dish position
You’ll gain a useful problem solving tool used by ahead-of-their-time thinkers to gain instant razor-sharp clarity
In Level 8 you’ll find this highly useful problem solving exercise inspired by Napoleon Hill, called the Round Table Exercise. All you have to do is sit down with someone else, and follow a specific set of brainstorming steps to light up the answer to almost any problem.
This exercise alone is worth its weight in gold because of the clarity and peace of mind it can give you whenever you’re stuck, or even just doubting your path and purpose.
You’ll learn how to switch on the part of your brain that serves as a gateway to a higher state of consciousness
One of the core concepts you’ll learn about in Level 9 is what I like to call the ‘Gateway to Creation’ – the Pineal Gland. Studies indicate that this gland, which is located in the center of your brain, produces melatonin – and is therefore crucial to accessing an elevated, calmer state of consciousness.
According to some, it’s also a “spiritual antenna” or mystical third eye that when activated allows you to tap into alternate versions of reality, detach from your sense of self, and achieve a monk-like state of serenity even when faced with the toughest possible challenges. The exercises you learn for activating and detoxing your Pineal Gland will make all this possible for you.
The ancient Egyptians recognized the Pineal Gland as a “door to consciousness”, and seem to have based the Eye of Horus symbol around it.
You’ll discover a controversial science billionaires use to shift odds in their favor
Another lesson you’ll learn in level 9 is how to use the ancient science of Astrology to tap into the different energy frequencies of other planets, to give yourself the best possible chance at success. Perfect whenever you need to stack the odds in your favor – or when you’re looking for that positive coincidence to nudge you over the edge towards a goal.
Yes, I know not everyone believes in astrology, and it’s a bit of a controversial issue – but as JP Morgan once said…
“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”
You’ll learn how to use Quantum Mechanics to ‘download’ infinite streams of wisdom from the universe
One more fascinating Reality Hack we’ll touch on in Level 9 is Quantum Mechanics, and how to get ‘downloads’ of timeless wisdom from the universe. Trust me, once you follow the mind-body steps to access these downloads, these things are going to come at you uncontrollably.
You could be meditating or typing out an email, and BAM! You’re suddenly hit with this realization that puts your entire career or marriage or life philosophy into perspective.
Multiple consciousness studies, including those by psychiatry expert Dr. Rick Strassman, show that the human mind tends to receive downloads of otherwise inaccessible information and epiphanies when faced with a Near Death Experience (and the subsequent release of the DMT compound in the body). But what if you could manually trigger this chemical reaction within you, without actually coming close to death?
9 weekly PDF workbooks packed with powerful exercises and progress tracking features for better results
Every good superhero needs a sidekick, which is what these workbooks will be for you throughout your Project:Yourself experience. Each stunningly designed PDF is packed with tools, exercises, checklists and bonus content for every level of the program. Just print out each one, keep them by your bedside or study, and use them for an even deeper, more transformational learning experience.
An experience of self discovery that’s more flexible than a Chinese acrobat
But once you’ve gone through it once, you’ll realize Project:Yourself is unlike any book, video course or seminar you’ve ever consumed. It’s not designed for you to use once from start to finish, and forget about.
Instead, think of it like a treasure chest. Because after you use it for the first time, you can just reach in and use the part of it that’s most relevant to your life – like if you need to solve a problem at work. Or find a way to grow your biz. Or solve the disagreement you have with your spouse, kids, boss or employee.
In fact, aside from that, it’s even designed for you to use from back to front! The way you decide to utilize it all depends on whether you need to “evolve”, or “involve” in order to get what you desire. Let me explain…
How to get what you want – whether you already know what it is. Or if it’s still your life’s greatest mystery.
There’s no shame in not knowing what makes you happy. It is after all one of the most important – and sometimes tricky – realizations of your life.
If this describes you, you can keep using Project:Yourself the ‘normal’ way – by starting at Level 1, and gradually getting to the heart of what you desire at Level 9.
This is what we call “involution”.
But what if you already know what you want, and you just need some epiphanies & Reality Hacks to help you get there?
In this case, you can just flip around the Project:Yourself experience by starting at Level 9… working your way outwards… and uncovering the tangible steps, action plans and tools you need to use to get that amazing outcome in your life. Whatever it may be.
Project:Yourself is designed for people who live in the real world. The busy, stressful real world.
I’m a busy entrepreneur with hundreds of tasks to juggle each week. And I know you too have your own work commitments. Your family. Your existing mind-body practices like the gym or daily meditations.
That’s why I dislike long-winded training materials as much as you do. And that’s why I’ve gone out of my way to design Project:Yourself as a time-efficient and stress-free experience that will fit into your schedule as comfortably as a pair of tailored pants.
All you need to do is set aside an hour hour every week to watch or listen to the training material. And another 20 minutes a day to practice and absorb your learnings.
Make this small commitment, just for a couple of months, and you’ll notice amazing changes begin to manifest in your life.
Online learning. Like you’ve never experienced it before.
The entire Project:Yourself experience takes place on the next-generation Project:Yourself membership site.
After years of trying out other online programs, I’ve found that the average online membership site is ugly. Buggy. Hard to navigate. And sometimes plain boring.
And so for Project:Yourself, I hired some of the best programmers, designers and user interface experts in the industry to build a platform that doesn’t just present your content in a clear and intuitive manner – it actually conditions you to enjoy your experience, get more out of it, and even get rewarded for using it.
Enjoy an intuitive learning experience with a user interface that’s so crisp and clean, it’s as easy to use as Google.
Immerse yourself in our engaging social networking features – including forums and message boards – to connect, discuss and forge alliances with the Project:Yourself tribe.
Get FREE Deep Origins credits for making friends and taking other actions, which you can use to redeem exclusive content, mini courses and upgrades. It’s like frequent flyer miles for your self evolution.
Consume your content from virtually any media device – from your iPad and iPhone, to your Android device.
Enjoy the convenience of one login, one site, and all your content in one place. Just login with your personal account for easy access to Project:Yourself and all future additional content or courses.
Get accurate, fast and friendly assistance with all your questions and concerns. Our dedicated customer support tab makes it easy for you to contact us.
4 ways Project:Yourself may surprise you if you’ve used other mind-body programs or tools
1. The sheer amount of organized variety will give you a big-picture perspective of your personal evolution
Some programs spend dozens of hours diving deep into one discipline, like meditation. Others give you a varied, but often overwhelming mish-mash of mind-body tools to use in your daily life.
I’ve designed Project:Yourself to give you the best of both these worlds. So you get detailed yet easy-to-follow instructions for immersing yourself in each Reality Hack. Plus you get an intuitive framework that pieces together all these skills for you – so all you need to do is be present instead of worrying about what to focus on next.
2. You’re getting proven facts and results for elevating your life, not half-truths and maybes
Spreading hearsay is not my style. Sure, some of the tools and insights I share during Project:Yourself may seem a little ‘out there’ to some…
But I guarantee that every claim, statement and exercise has been thoroughly researched and validated either by scientific or spiritual researchers, or through my own extensive experience. This stuff works. Period.
3. You’ll be part of a deeply involving experience with a personal touch
Many other personal growth or spirituality programs you’ll find online are really just glorified CD courses. You buy them, they toss you a daunting set of audios & videos with vague instructions, and then you’re pretty much left to fend for yourself.
This is why I call Project:Yourself an intimate experience: because once you book your spot, I’ll be in constant contact with you throughout the 2-month process through email and periodical live coaching sessions. It’s almost as good as having me sitting next to you, giving you personalized advice and coaching until you can’t help but hit your goals.
4. You’ll gain a lifelong spot in a tribe of like-minded people
Like you, I believe in the power of collective intent. That’s why every part of Project:Yourself is designed for maximum interaction: from the periodical coaching sessions to the chat and forum features on our online membership site.
You’ll nurture deep friendships, forge alliances and triumph over challenges with a close-knit tribe of people with a similar worldview, the same passion for life, and an inspiring diversity of passions and opinions.
Society is already evolving and replacing the “old” models of reality with more holistic & integrative solutions. Isn’t it time you did the same?
More and more large corporations are distancing themselves from greedy Industrial Revolution-era practices… and adopting a form of ‘Conscious Capitalism’ where quality of life, sustainability & giving back are prioritized.
Startups and entrepreneurs across the world are dominating headlines by experimenting with innovative new practices like virtual offices, 4-day work weeks and Crowd Funding.
Realizing the limitations of modern medicine on its own, nearly 40% of Americans are now using some form of complementary or alternative medicine – including meditation, yoga and acupuncture.
According to the Harvard Medical School, medical professionals are now prescribing mind-body therapies like meditation to over 6 million Americans yearly.
The wellness market is spreading across unexpected places – like the San Francisco International Airport, which opened its first yoga room in January 2012. (More and more hotels and even churches are now following suit.)
After countless Wall Street-esque scandals and meltdowns in countries like Cyprus, a growing body of people are rejecting traditional financial industries and exploring new wealth management tools – like Bitcoins, which have grown by over 1,000% in the past year alone.
A recent survey found that 14 in 18 insurance companies are now including acupuncture – along with a host of other holistic treatments – in their coverage packages.
The signs are clear: we live in exciting, kinetic times – and the only way to stay afloat is to keep evolving your own model of reality.
My recommendation? Take advantage of a proven set of mind-widening principles that the world’s top performers are using at this very moment to stay ahead. The kind only Project:Yourself can give you.
My lifelong, borderline unhealthy obsession. Your gain.
Okay, so the truth is I’m a bit of a rehabilitated information addict. Remember how earlier I told you I read all those books and studied all those successful people?
I maybe went a little overboard with that stuff. Over the past 17 years, whenever I was taking a break from working on my businesses, I must have read over 1500 books on subjects like human consciousness, spirituality and mind science. I’ve spent hundreds, maybe thousands of hours sitting through video & audio courses, interviews, documentaries and seminars.
I’ve even interviewed and collaborated with dozens of multi-millionaires, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and even an ex-NASA scientist, just to figure out what makes them tick.
The whole experience has cost me a ton of time and money. Not to mention countless personal sacrifices.
Thankfully, now that I’m in my thirties, I’ve balanced my life out a whole lot more so I’m playing as hard as I work.
But I don’t expect you to drop everything and follow my path, because I know you have your own pressing concerns. With responsibilities, social & family obligations, and stacks of looming deadlines to attend to.
Plus even if you weren’t tied down with all this, I still doubt you’d have the time, patience or inclination to invest as much time and money as I did. Which is why my commitment with Project:Yourself is to give you…
An affordable & transformational fast track to years (and years) of feverish study
Project:Yourself gives you my entire body of knowledge on the subject of Reality Hacks, the Sri Yantra and unleashing your full potential… at a price that is neither dirt cheap nor exorbitant.
And there’s a good reason for that.
You see, I do want to make this information as financially accessible to as many people as possible. Because everyone surely deserves to elevate their lives with these tools.
But when you join this journey, you become critical to our tribe’s mission of sparking a global tidal wave of positive change. And the best way I know to ensure you stay committed throughout the experience… is to impose a reasonable participation fee.
Your investment for joining the first ever Project:Yourself intake and becoming a lifelong member of our tribe is a one-time enrollment fee of $297.
Like I said, it’s not dirt cheap.
But when you consider the real function of money – as a form of energy you invest today, to attract more in the future – you’ll realize this one’s a no-brainer.
Now If you choose to be one of these people, there’s something important I need you to understand…
I’m not going to sugar-coat this. Because the last thing I want is to come across as one of those cheesy “YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL” gurus scattered all over the web…
Project:Yourself is not a magic bullet. And it’s definitely not for you if you expect to watch one video, or try one exercise, and be forever transformed.
I have no doubt this journey will change your life. But only when you are committed to putting in an ongoing effort, and taking action to project your greatest life, kicking and screaming, into reality.
And once you DO start getting the outcomes and abundance you’ve been aiming for…
Remember that our tribe will expect you to do more than just buy nice things and live in a nice house!
Together, each of us will hold each other accountable for making an ongoing IMPACT… by first changing how things are done in our own lives.
Then, we will spread this wisdom to our friends, family and co-workers… and even into the communities, systems and institutions surrounding us.
In other words, each of us is becoming an ambassador. A positive change agent. A facilitator of a new model of reality.
This is why before you even consider becoming one of these determined people… you need to be sure that you’re ready to think and act BIG.
If that’s not you, I ask that you look elsewhere, and save the limited spots for someone else.
But if you can make me that promise, I’ll make you one in return…
When you stay committed to the process, you will experience at least ONE profound reality shift within the first 30 days of the Project:Yourself journey.
It could be something you achieve at work. It might be a person that comes into your life. Maybe a health issue you had will start to disappear. You might even just start seeing the world in a different light.
Only you can control exactly what this shift will be.
All I can promise is that you will experience it. And that you’ll enjoy every step of the journey getting there.
If Project:Yourself doesn’t fulfill this promise, or if you decide not to continue with it for whatever reason (even if you’re just too busy), email me at [email protected] within 30 days of commencement for a full, no-questions-asked refund. In other words, you can experience half the entire journey before making up your mind!
Book your spot NOW, and get 3 FREE bonus features
Bonus Feature 1: Additional advanced training sessions with guest Reality Hackers for learning mind-blowing new skills & wisdom
Good tribes attract good vibes. That’s why in certain levels, I’ll bring in surprise guest speakers and trainers who have offered to share their unique career, relationship and health-enhancing skills through intimate training sessions & interviews. From vedic astrologers to yoga masters to cutting-edge life designers, you’ll get to draw on the wisdom and energy of people who have mastered the art of bending reality.
Bonus Feature 2: Blissed out Alpha mind music tracks for melting away stress,
and entering a state of unstoppable flow
Produced by fellow Reality Hacker and popular sound healer Niraj Naik, Alpha mind music technology is infused into specific sessions to deepen and synchronize your brain’s response to the exercises and learnings within. You’ll be pretty amazed at how the embedded isochronic tones in these music tracks actually make you feel more focused and relaxed.
You’ll also get access to a set of bonus tracks that you can load onto your music player and listen throughout the day. They’re a great way for instantly reducing stress, entering deep relaxation and concentrating on an important task.
Bonus Feature 3: An ancient source of power for harnessing energy and projecting yourself further… delivered straight to your doorstep
I won’t spoil the surprise here… but let’s just say that as soon as you confirm your spot, I’ll wrap up and mail you this special gift, wherever you are in the world. This powerful physical tool is used by many of the world’s most respected mystics & scientific explorers to gain favorable outcomes and quicken the creation of their ideal realities. And once you’re actually holding it in your hands, you’ll understand precisely why…
The journey begins now.
Preferably with you on board.
When you boil it all down, Project:Yourself is really about empowering you to:
Experience life-changing epiphanies, awaken dormant skills & powers, and enjoy profound outcomes far beyond what you’d get from any other business or personal growth book, seminar or program…
Shift all odds – career, finances, relationships and health – in your favor by harnessing the hidden natural phenomena and ‘laws’ that silently influence you and the people around you…
Elevate yourself to an existential vantage point where you’re untouchable by the ups and downs of life. Simply by understanding the true nature of your unique purpose and highest self.
Think about yourself and thousands of others taking this journey almost simultaneously. What will we accomplish together? What will we create? Who will we become?
Project:Yourself could be the start of something big for the planet. And it’s most definitely the start of something big for YOU – but only when you take that first step.
Secure your spot NOW with the confidence of everything you’ve learned on this page. Plus the unconditional money back guarantee.
I’ll see you on the inside.
How to get started with Project:Yourself now
1. Scroll down to the order menu below, and click on ‘Add To Cart’.
2. If there are still spots available, you’ll be taken to a secure check out page to enter your payment details.
3. After submitting your details, wait for my confirmation email confirming your order. You’ll also get a login email with your personal account details. If you don’t receive either of these emails within 15 minutes of ordering, just drop an email to [email protected]
4. Head over to the private membership site, and start using your Project:Yourself content as it gets released. All your bonus features and additional content will also be on this page.
This is what you get when you book your spot for the first ever intake of Project:Yourself…
Full access to the entire 9 part program through our private online membership site.
Recordings of our live call “infosessions”.
A digital interactive workbook for tracking your progress.
An unconditional 30 day money back guarantee.
3 free bonuses including expert interviews, meditation music tracks and a surprise in the mail for an even deeper learning experience.
Yes! I want to start reinventing my reality with Project:Yourself
100% secure payment gateway – 30-day money back guarantee – Lifetime access & support
Great answers to good questions:
“Who are you? And Why should I trust you and your concept of Reality Hacking?”
I’m an Inc. 500 entrepreneur, a loving father and husband, an adventurer, and the founder of various online movements and tribes in the fields of digital marketing & technology. You can see everything I’m up to, including a list of my companies, products and media coverage here. visit _


But details aside, what I really am is a guy who’s intensely passionate about human potential, peak performance and mankind’s relationship with the universe. I hope my professional credentials and the fact that I’ve walked my talk will prove to you that my observations and claims are credible. But if you’re still not convinced, I encourage you to open a new window on your browser, then open your mind, and do some of your own research on any of the subjects I’ve mentioned in this letter. Something tells me you’ll be back…
“Okay, so what exactly are you suggesting I should do?”
I’m inviting you to be one of the first people in the world to experience Project:Yourself: an online experience led by yours truly, in which I’ll infuse your life with the most powerful Reality Hacks in exis



Project Yourself Amish Shah


Project Yourself Amish Shah