Select Women Wisely – David Shade

David Shade – Select Women Wisely | 1.22GB
An Open Letter To Every Man
Who Wants To Have More Sex
And Less Drama In His Relationships
Disc 1: Introduction to Selecting Women Wisely (mp4 video)
“Everything you need to fulfill a women is already within her,
but a woman can only be as fulfilled as she feels she DESERVES to be!”
Know this… There is no ‘nice’ way to put it… there are some women who are NEVER going to make for a healthy happy relationship!
In this part of the program you’ll discover why some women are high maintenance or drama queens or just plain bat-shit crazy and will sabotage any kind of happiness that comes into her life. And you’ll learn what the warning flags are so you’ll easily be able to spot them.
Plus, how to know if a woman will bring you joy. One who will make you happy and who loves sex as much (or even more) than you.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover:
What 2 things all humans must have to be truly happy!
Amazing insights you get from a sincere compliment! (when you know what to look for)
The History Channel paradox some women can’t escape!
A simple way to look into her subconscious and find out what she feels she deserves in a man!
How to get all the info you need without it feeling like a job interview!
The 2 best techniques to start with! (Most of the time this will be all you need)
Things to notice BEFORE you even approach a woman! (most guys look at boobs & butts, you’ll know better)
Sneaky ways to get her to reveal extremely private and intimate details of her past!
The #1 most important thing you want to find out about a woman! (hint: it’s not STD’s)
Want to make your woman happy? Make certain she’s got this quality and it will be easy!
4 things that must be true for any relationship to work! (Important – you’ll need to do them too)
What a “Daddy’s Girl” is, and why you need one!
The critical difference between Self Esteem & Ego! (Get this wrong and you’ll regret it)
Disc 2: What Do YOU Want In A Woman? (mp3 audio)
“Most men have no freaking clue
what they want in a woman”
When I do coaching with a man, the first thing I ask is “What do you want?” And usually I get a long silence followed by the immortal words of Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High… “I don’t know”
But if I ask what you don’t want, they have an almost endless list.
Now, here’s a secret all successful people live by… You get what you focus on! It may sound a bit woo-woo, but it’s been proven over and over again. Your subconscious mind will do it’s best to help you get what it thinks you want. And what you think about is what it thinks you want.
The Big Lesson: Focus on what you actually want in a woman, not all the things you don’t want.
On this disc, I lead a group of men through the process to help them figure out just what they want in a woman.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
The 4 most important questions you need to ask yourself! (and answer with great detail)
If you want to have healthy relationships… what you need to do differently!
What you can tell from a woman’s body language!
The secret ‘hand’ test you can do in the first 10 seconds!
The difference between chronic low self-esteem and everyday insecurities!
The common insecurity most women have and why it does NOT mean she has low self-esteem!
The infamous Daddy’s Girl Formula and how to make use of it!
How to know what (if anything) you need to improve about yourself!
Sample list of ‘ideal’ traits to look for! (To prime your pump with ideas)
Disc 3: How To Select A High Quality Highly Sexual Woman (mp3 audio)
“Success begins by selecting wisely.
If you pick the right one… everything is going to work.
If you pick the wrong one… the pain is hard to describe”
First you’ll discover the consequences of making a wrong choice and just how devastating it can be to make this mistake… both financially and emotionally. It’s important to understand how important it is to select wisely because you have to get the relationship right in order for the sex to be right!
Listen, if you end up with a low self esteem woman, you’ll be forever frustrated, your energy drained, and then she’ll leave you for some scum who treats her like dirt.
You’ll find out what some of the highly desirable qualities are you’ll want to look for in a woman, plus a look at what high quality women desire in men.
And you’ll discover what to look for that tells you a woman has a good self image, is emotionally healthy, highly sexual and very interesting to be with. A woman with whom you can experience hot passionate love.
Here’s some of what you’ll discover:
What it tells you if a woman can’t stand to be alone!
Why a woman must ‘love herself’ to be able to love you!
How to avoid “Happiness Anxiety” and the self-fulfilling prophecy
The single most accurate predictor of a woman being able to have an orgasm during sex! (If she has this, she won’t orgasm no matter how much you rub)
The biggest complaint women have about men. (If you do this, the good ones will leave you)
How to test if a woman will allow herself to experience Wild Screaming Orgasms with you! (Do this way before you get near a bedroom)
The hidden in plain view secret that greases the slide to HOT sex!
The 9 essential keys to compatibility!
Why marriage is so important to a woman!
The tragic mistake many men make!
The 3 most important qualities you need to look for in a woman (find these and you are in for a wild ride)
Myths and misconceptions about self esteem!
The #1 single most important quality she must have! (test for this one first, and say ‘next’ if she doesn’t have it)
Why ego doesn’t mean squat!
What it means if a woman cries on your shoulder and tells you the guy that dumped her is perfect! (hint: you might want to head for the door)
She wants what her friends have… is this a good sign or bad? Now you’ll know!
The long shadow of the father-daughter relationship (and how it affects you)
8 Simple ways to spot a drama-queen!
A sneaky way to tell if she has good self esteem from her email or online profile! (hint: I’m not talking about what she says)
How to know if she’s the type to push men around!
Manual: Select Women Wisely (spiral binder)
“Women test men all the time…
shouldn’t you do the same?”
For those who like to read and really dig into the details, this is the deepest part of the program.
And when you go through it I’ll bet at some point you’ll slap yourself on the forehead and say “OMG… that’s why that relationship fell apart!”
My purpose here is to make it crystal clear why some women are never going to be happy in a relationship.
It’s not nice. It’s not fair, and it’s damn sure not politically correct. But my purpose is the success of my clients, and as I’ve said “success begins with choosing wisely!”
Here’s some of what you’ll discover:
The biggest mistake people make when they fall in love!
Why some people seem to ‘click’ so easily!
The one thing about relationships that will instantly make your sex life better!
The #1 predictor of a fun, sexy, successful relationship! (If you only learned this one thing, you would at least double your success)
The cold harsh reality of the “Cheaters Rule”! (do NOT ignore this)
4 things every successful relationship must have! (a Man’s guide)
A 1000 year old imagination game from Greece that’s easy to play, fun for her and very revealing for you!
Do you shake hands with women? You will after you read this!
The important difference between a highly sexual woman and a promiscuous woman! (get this one wrong and you’re in for a world of heartbreak)
2 simple conversational topics women enjoy that give you tons of useful info on her!
What strippers and the world’s highest paid models have in common! (the answer will shock you)
The dysfunctional beauty trap… don’t you get caught in it!
The single most important man in a woman’s life! (hint: it ain’t you)
Pickup Artists say you should NEVER ask a woman about her profession… find out why these experts are dead wrong!
The mind vs body rule-of-thumb for determining self esteem!
34 Amazing and revealing stories from men and woman around the world!
Plus six Success Check-Lists for you to use to help you determine what you want in a woman and in a relationship.