Michael Breen – Sharpen Your Pitchh
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Discover The 5 Step Pitching Process,
GUARANTEED To Help You Win More
Business, Close Bigger Deals And Sell
More Products Than Ever Before!
The 5 Step Process
Over decades of pitching across multiple industries from advertising to finance, from pharmaceutical to government, from the technology sector to celebrities and entertainment bosses, Michael has discovered there are five aspects to pitching.
These five aspects are always present when a pitch is effective.
These are:
By far the most important step in the process. Because, if you don’t know who you are talking to, what their problems are, and what they need – nothing else will work.
How to design an offer that solves your audience’s problem.
This will take you away from throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks…
To making it so that your solution is the only choice and the right choice for your audience!
Use the lost art of Synectics to create a memorable analogy that sticks in your clients mind and stands out from your competition.
This module is about connecting your Audience with your Offer using the same creativity process used by Madison Avenue Ad Agencies.
Are you pitching to an individual or group, who are the other competitors, is it suit and tie or shorts, what time is the pitch, what does the room look like, what questions should you ask the client…
Step 4 is all about preparing for the pitch everything you should know before you take one step into that room.
How to deliver your pitch and create a memorable experience for your audience.
Communication strategies for persuasive influence, thinking on your feet, reading your audience and winning business.
By going through this program not only will you refine your pitch and stack the odds of winning in your favour, you will also:
– Learn how to qualify your clients so that you only select high quality clients that you enjoy working with.
– Become an instant expert by articulating your audiences problem better than they can.
– Get clarity on your business – who your audience is and what you are offering them.
– Design an irresistible offer that makes your product or service the only obvious choice.
– Find your voice and identify what makes you stand out from your competitors.
– Break conventional thinking, programming and poor communication.
– Have as many brilliant ideas as the best Ad Men On the Planet
– Become amazingly persuasive by using covert and overt suggestions in your pitch that your audience will never be able to identify
– How to make your communication alive, interesting and fun by putting pictures in your clients head.
– Create anchor phrases that will stay with your customers long after you are gone
– How to make your pitch sparkle with analogies, metaphor, stories and images!
– The 3 Ways to pitch – master the chronology, direct and hourglass methods
– What to change when pitching to groups versus individuals – mass communication requires a completely different approach to individual communication.
– Master how to think on your feet so that you can read your client and continuously change your pitch as and when needed
– Gain the ability to reach inside the world view of your audience and place your solution as their only viable option
– Get the pitching state so that you are in command and control of the situation – it’s that take it or leave it attitude that helps win pitches
– How to talk to competitors at the pitch, what to say to them – you could even make your competitors your customers!
– Pitching rules when in a team – what to do if pitching as part of a team
– How to adjust the environment that you are put in.
– Plus much more…