The TextGod – Over The Top Textgame | 4.65 GB
The TextGod – Over The Top Textgame
How to date an infinite flow of The incredibly hot women on Tinder and Other Dating Apps Thanks to The pendulum effect
Even if you’re not good looking, have no matches and have no clue what to say
You will get:
– Real-life examples of good and bad conversations
– Hidden camera footage of successful dates
– My best full conversations so you can see the Pendulum-effect from A to Z
– Voice messages create that instant attraction
– My best social media messages to get the hottest girls from Instagram and other apps.
You will also get all this:
– How to encourage girls to behave in a sexual way around you
– A conversation where I SCREW UP. Everyone always shows their best stuff, the flawless game where everything runs smoothly. I choose to show you a conversation where I get rejected. Probably the most educational conversation in the whole workshop
– How can use scientific research by Harvard University to move her from Tinder to the texting app of your choice
– Story of a wild high-value girl who destroyed a student of mine on a date. And how I tamed her and made her fall in love
– 42 Emotional words to use in your texts
– What to do when a girl calls you out on your age, saying “you’re too young” or “you’re too old”
– The correct way to use self-deprecating humor (one of the most effective weapons to seduce girls)
– How I use emojis even though I always tell people not to use them. This one way helps you stand out
– 9 Examples of Instagram stories that are compelling for her to react, and easy for you to copy
– 2 Quick videos of how my best wingmen approach girls in real life
– One mindf*ck to apply when girls try to take over the frame. This you helps to stay calm and in control.
– A crucial mistake many guys make that triggers her LOGICAL mind (instead of her emotional mind). This makes my interview you, ruins the fun vibe, and you causes to come across as a boring, regular guy
– What to do when she texts the dreaded “ha” or “:)”
– The 1 ingredient to build a CONNECTION
– My go-to line when girls ask where I’m from + a follow up text toase them
– The best ways to pass retest like they never happened
– A trick to come across as intelligent, without bragging or looking like an ass
– How to create the deepest of deep connections: The Hollywood Moment
– How to turn a conversation around: from her rejecting me to rebecauseing to fly over to my country to measure me
– Edgy stuff: How to make out with your Tinder match without speaking a word to her in real life
– My secrets to sending voice messages that make girls melt for you
– A sign on WhatsApp that tells you she’s really into you into you
– A gif you can use to make sure she understands you are joking
– One simple trick to make girls say the things you like
– The 1 rule to follow to smooth move a Tinder conversation to a any other texting app like WhatsApp or WeChat