Valentino Kohen – First Date Success


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Valentino Kohen - First Date Success
Valentino Kohen – First Date Success | 1.16 GB

Meet Valentino
After I broke up with my high school sweetheart, I thought that getting girls would be easy… I mean I had this girlfriend, so shouldnt it be easy to just get another one? Oh no! I went out with friends and couldnt get anywhere with the girls in the club, not even a single kiss in 3 months”

So I went on Google, found some of that dating advice and watched a couple of videos. That gave me ideas, but after 3 of the worst nights in my life, I was devastated and wanted to give up.

I then found a local dating coach and he taught me everything I needed to know and something I will never forget: Dont make it look like a pickup.”

I want to teach you this nugget of knowledge here as well: you never want to make it look like a pickup, because if you do, theres no curiosity left in the girl and you basically communicate that youre interested just because of her looks. Having an agenda with someone you dont even know is unnatural and repelling to a high quality girl.

If you start the interaction from a place of boredom, and wanting to explore the interaction WITH the girl, it will give her to opportunity to chase you.

If youre standing at a bus stop or outside a club, its more exciting to meet someone new than to just look at your smartphone again”

Through that coaching my whole life changed. I moved back to Switzerland, started going out 7 days a week and met 40 girls in 1.5 months – basically 1 a day – when I REALLY wanted to get this handled. Slowly I became the best guy at that point in Switzerland, but I still wasnt getting my dream girls on a consistent enough basis.

I started traveling with my mentor and we held Free Events, Bootcamps and Immersions in 30 – major cities all around the world. I built up my own YouTube Channel and taught my own Bootcamps during that year. The density of mind-blowing experiences during that time made it feel like 10 years, so many Bootcamp students going through the transformation with us and meeting so many amazing girls from all around the world.

When the year was over, I knew I had to go on my own path and follow my own vision.

Now after working one-on-one basically every day with those at the ELITE level, Ive seen it all and decided I did not want to stop where they do – instant gratification – but wanted to take it even further as I value long-term happiness higher than the temporary Quick Fix.”

So, what will you choose?

The tasty McDonalds Cheeseburger or the healthy Spinach Salad with sprinkled almonds?

Valentinos Mission

During my 3 tours around the world and teaching men on how to become more successful meeting, attracting and KEEPING the quality of girls they want, Ive realized that what drives us men even stronger than instant gratification is experiencing a high quality girl that is 100% EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in YOU, is open to discover her fantasies with you and will not run to another guy because youve drawn her into your reality so strongly.

That is my mission, to teach guys how to not just score the girl but make her unconditionally fall in love with you.”

I believe the faster I can show you how to become that guy who attracts girls just by his presence without needing to do anything special or crazy, the faster youll be able to focus your time on making your life outstanding and extraordinary…
which you cant do if you dont even know how to meet a girl in the first place.

Valentinos Philosophy

“Give away 10X more value than you ask for in return.”

The feeling of joy I experience when seeing a client go through this transformation, going from shy chap to masculine man in less than 3 days and ends up with a happy girlfriend 1 month later is better than anything money could buy!

This website is my way to channel back the best training, resources and tools Ive created over the past years to make world class dating advice accessible to you wherever you are.

Enjoy, and feel free to contact me with any questions!



Valentino Kohen - First Date Success